Welcome to the page where we have collected the news about us that appeared in newspapers, on the web, in books and sector magazines.
Natural Stories - August 2024
edited by Diana De Marsanich - texts by Maria Laura Ramello
Woman stories:
Patrizia Perrone - Il Forno di Gennaro
What do you do?
With my mother and my sister Sabrina we run Il Forno di Gennaro opened by our father in 1960. We use Lucanian durum wheat and make bread as in the past with re-milled semolina, water and mother yeast.
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We had the pleasure of hosting and presenting the products of Forno di Gennaro live to Sara Yasumoto of the Ritsumeikan University of Kyoto, Italian Gastronomy Course led by prof. Masayoshi Ishida co-founder of Slow Food Japan.
A meeting in which we offered direct experience of traditional productions considered Italian excellence.
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Patrizia Perrone speech on TG1 Dialogo, the episode of 1 October 2022, a large part of which is dedicated to the Pope’s visit to Matera and the Bread of Matera.
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For the occasion of the XXVII National Eucharistic Congress start in Matera, the tribute of TRM Network for this event with a video dedicated to Matera, City of Bread
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January 11, 2022 - Talal Khrais (NNA Beirut) / Editorial team
During the visit of the journalists of the Foreign Press of Rome, a very particular stage was the one in which one of the main elements of the popular culture of the region, and of Matera in particular, was illustrated, the culture of bread, and to show the secrets of this ancient art were the expert "artisan bakers" of one of the oldest bakery in the city, the famous Forno Perrone.
Italy has a centuries-old tradition relating to bread.
From north to south, each town has its own traditional bread, and among the most famous is the bread of Matera. Known for its ancient houses, stones and rupestrian churches, Matera is a city of undisputed charm, and appreciated all over the world, so much so that the Lucanian town has been inscribed on the Unesco World Heritage List since 1992.
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Easyjet traveller - Ottobre 2021
From Matera with love - we explore the Bond - approved Italian city on a cultural ascent
Above ground Matera is a charming hilltop town. Below ground it holds a secret history. We follow in the footsteps of the world’s most famous spy an gets under the surface of the most intriguing city of southern Italy.
[...] Every souvenir here has a story. There are the chicken-shaped cucù whistles, which have been carved in the region to ward off evil spirits since 400BC. Wooden bread stamps, now curios for visiting foodies, were once a crucial tool for distinguishing each family’s loaf in the giant communal ovens of the Sassi.
Which leads us to Il Forno di Gennaro, an acclaimed bakery run for generations by the Perrone family, where the air is sweetly yeasted and glossy wheels of stuffed focaccia call to us from behind the counter. The bakers begin at midnight, working seven days a week to produce the city’s iconic loaves.
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Traveling in Italy: Basilicata - May 2021
The typical bread of Matera, prepared by Il forno di Gennaro (Panificio Perrone) respecting the short supply chain.
Matera bread
Very crunchy crust and very soft heart: Matera bread is among the most popular products of the region and among the most sought-after breads in Italy. Obtained with an ancient processing system, it is produced only with durum wheat semolina and mother yeast, in large loaves in the shape of a conical shape, weighing one or two kilos; maintains fragrance and perfume even for a week.
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Raffaele Nigro - Che Sud Fa
Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno - 23 October 2019
What a South it is
A bread that according to Peppino Bar’Vecch’, alias Giuseppe Perrone, one of the founders of - Il Forno di Gennaro - has been kneaded and baked in Matera since 1890 and which is still produced today by the descendants Patrizia and Sabrina. The two queens of Matera’s bread, in defense of today’s flour mix-ups, swear to make it with sourdough and durum wheat semolina from Lucania, many of which are in Genzano di Lucania.
Raffaele Nigro
Madamefigaro Japanese Magazine

Il Forno di Gennaro in a Japanese magazine Madame Figaro

As one of the European Capitals of Culture in 2019, the city of Matera with its extensive collection of troglodytic cave dwellings, rock-cut architecture, rupestrian art, ancestral history and cultural heritage
Bakeries Once the core of the peasants’ diet, Matera’s bread is pure cultural heritage encased in a dark golden crust, the true gem of local gastronomy.
Occasions to enjoy its characteristic fragrance are numerous: At practically every meal or snack. But it is in the bakeries that the secrets of this traditional product are kept.
Bakers since 1890, the Perrone family is one of the references when it comes to bread making in Matera.
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A guide is in the Matera bookshop, the most complete and up-to-date guide to the city. The gaze of two insiders, a contemporary guide to the best of Matera. Eight slow walks between museums, Sassi, rock churches, landscapes, the twentieth century, good food, folklore, people and with a good soul.
Matera, a guide reveals artistic gems, historical anecdotes and portraits of fellow citizens to visitors and residents of the city through eight slow walks described with care, precision and a contagious light-heartedness.
Ample space is dedicated to gastronomic culture, understood as a narrative of the territory and of the clubs and restaurants that offer contemporary and traditional cuisine.
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By Kate Maxwell Oct. 11, 2017
One look at Matera, in Italy’s deep south, and you’ll wonder why the historic Puglian towns of Ostuni and Lecce get all the attention. This city of pale gold limestone, just over the border from Puglia in Basilicata, has more layers than a sfogliatella pastry: Its two cave districts, Sasso Barisano and Sasso Caveoso, are composed of individual dwellings carved into fossil-stuffed strata and stacked on top of each other like cells in a haphazardly constructed beehive.
They were inhabited from prehistory until the 1950s, when-overcrowded, poverty-stricken and disease-ridden-they were evacuated by the state. Dubbed-the shame of Italy-Matera remained largely abandoned for decades. In the 1990s, the Sassi became playgrounds for Matera’s errant youth.
Recently, though, entrepreneurs have returned home after stints in Rome and Milan and given new life to the city, which will be 2019’s European Capital of Culture. Thankfully, they’ve allowed the place to speak for itself-opening elegant hotels with vaulted cave rooms and restaurants that offer refined takes on local classics, like orecchiette with fennel sausage served with chewy semolina bread.
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